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Thinking on your feet
Posted by Peter Harris
9/20/2018  12:36:00 AM
Hi .. I have been taking lessons for about 2 years and have quite a few moves that i can complete easily. I learn quickly and have good rhythm. However when I try to put this into practice outside of the classroom every thing goes to pot! I don't forget or lose my sense of rhythm (which is reassuring) I have extreme difficulty thinking on my feet.. what do I lead next? that leads to stress and my mind goes blank and I'm in for 3 minutes of torture for us both!! I see the problem is worse when I am tired. I've no doubt its linked to my mental abilities.. I'm no fool, I have a good job, speak more than one language ... So my question here is how can I practice/learn this skill? Yes I know I just need to get out there and dance but the experience is so negative it will stop me dancing if I don't find a way soon. I am looking for some sort of mental drill that I can do away from the dance floor to train my brain (ha that rhymes ) in fact any tips to get past this would be great!
Re: Thinking on your feet
Posted by Peter Harris
9/20/2018  1:55:00 AM
To get things started I have thought of a few exercise.. please add your comments, alternatives and improvements!!
1, Put play a tune you might dance to. While it plays list your moves until the end of the song. Count them and repeat.
2 In two minutes list all the easy moves you can.
3 In two minutes list all the improvers moves you can.
4 create a choreographer using easy moves in 3 minutes .. different starting move each time
5 as above but including improvers moves as well.
6 List the moves you have difficulty with and practice them till you don't have to think how to do them.. just think about the next move

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